創辦人資深寶石學家李承倫 Richard Li自小受私塾與正規音樂教育,擁有美國亞利桑那州立大學音樂碩士,同時間因熱愛寶石,被各種寶石的純粹美麗深深吸引,7歲開始玩賞寶石,13歲時在台北建國玉市擺設攤位,18歲時創立以寶石銷售為主的珠寶公司,並在台北市忠孝東路開店,因受藝術薰陶,在挑選商品的視野有別一般寶石公司,在這10年期間顧客絡繹不絕,為李承倫先生打下深厚的買賣與經營基礎。
RichardLi, a senior gemmologist, accepted the formal music education in States, andobtained the music master degree of Arizona State University (ASU). He lovedgem fervently and was deeply attracted by various pure and beautiful gems, Hestarted appreciating gems from 7 years old, set a stall to sell at TaipeiJian-quo Jade Market at his age of 13, and not until 18, should he establish ajewelry company specialized in gem sales, as well as a jewelry shop at ChungXiao East Road (Taipei City). Richard has been irradiated by art for a longperiod, thus, his eyesight to pick up merchandise differs from other gemcompanies. Within the recent 10 years, Rechard’s customers go to and fro inconstant streams that has set up a deep foundation for Mr. Richard Li’sbusiness and operation.
Hemade great effort to learn piano and cello at university, and used to be amusic teacher and a musician performed at presidential state banquet. Duringthe studying period, he completed the GIA Academy’s accreditation course. Forgreatly loving music and gem, he particularly chose Arizona State (rich inminerals) as the place to study abroad. On and off, he served as translator atvarious exhibitions in States, and became acquainted with mine owners fromAmerica and all over the world; at this period of time, he established afriendly connection with lots of owners.
在1999年返台後便成立侏羅紀彩色鑽石,李先生除了是專業的寶石鑑定師外,多年來周遊列國深入50多個國家礦區,一年有半載的時間深入礦區第一現場,早已是名符其實的「Gem Hunter」,更曾受邀參訪知名哥倫比亞Muzo礦區,時至今日,培養出良好的信譽與廣泛的珠寶業人脈網絡。
In1999, he returned to Taiwan and established the Jurassic Color Diamond. Inaddition to a professional gemologist, Richard has been traveling around formany years, entering more than 50 countries’ mining area. Each year, he spenthalf a year of the time to visit the mining jobsite (the first scene), consequently,the nickname of “Gem Hunter” spread far and wide; even the famous Muzo inColombia has ever invited him to pay a visit. To date, his good reputation hascultivated a firmly personal connection in the field of jewelry.
栽進寶石世界30載,活躍於世界各國的礦區、國際拍賣會及鑑定所,練就精準掌握寶石行情及投資價值的能力,遂於2011年成立珍藏逸品拍賣會,多年來陸續為寶石藏家們提供優質的珠寶,已成為亞太區知名拍賣會。2017年成立台灣首座寶石、藝術與人文博物館-侏羅紀博物館,除了收藏超過上萬件的寶石,還有專業的EGL國際歐洲寶石鑑定所 (European Gemological Laboratory)、畫作與雕塑展區、瑰麗珠寶典藏室、少見的骨董珠寶、原礦與化石展覽室。為真實呈現頂級珠寶工藝,更於博物館內設有切磨與珠寶製作工坊,在礦區採購的第一手寶石可以卓越的切磨技術及精湛的金屬工藝製作成華麗的藝術珠寶,為世界藏家帶來非凡珠寶蒐藏品。
Livingin the gem world for 3 decades, he lively traveled to various mining areasworldwide, international auctions, and identification offices; relying on thecapability to control gems’ current prices and invested value precisely, heestablished the Collectibles Auction in 2011 that has become a famous auctionin the Asia-Pacific region now to provide quality jewelry for gem collectors.In 2017, he established the Jurassic Museum in Taiwan, displaying tens of thousandgems in this precious stone, art, and culture museum which included theprofessional gem identification center, painting and sculpture area,magnificent jewelry collection room, antique jewelry rarely seen, green-ore andfossil showroom, particularly, a workshop to cut and grind gems that thefirst-hand precious stone buying from mining area could be immediately cuttingand grinding within the shortest process and time, then, offering the qualityand inexpensive jewelry to global collectors.