_親訪全球最大的礦脈公司,搶先引進最新的切割測量技術,堅守在礦區第一線,嚴選來自印度、辛巴威、安特衛普的原礦。侏羅紀彩色鑽石,全台唯一具備鑽石研磨技術的專業工坊,匠心研磨,精雕細琢,讓每一顆寶石都閃耀無與倫比的光彩。從礦場到市場,侏羅紀彩色鑽石帶給您最獨一無二的珠寶體驗。_Visiting the world’s largest mining companies, we are at the forefront of adopting the latest cutting and measuring technologies, staying committed on-site to source the finest rough stones from India, Zimbabwe, and Antwerp. Jurassic_Color_Diamond is the only workshop in Taiwan offering professional diamond cutting and polishing. With unparalleled craftsmanship, we bring out the brilliance of every gem. From mine to market, Jurassic_Color_Diamond offers you a truly unique jewelry experience.